The Challenge of the Referring New Members

Look…I get it. Believe me I do.

You are thinking to yourself that “there is no way I will ever be able to refer enough new members to Musiterania’s Maestro Membership to create enough income to pay for my expenses.”

The other thing you are thinking is, “I’m not a sales person and I don’t want to “hit up” the people I know to ask them to join so I can make money.”

Plus, you are thinking of a million reasons why it is difficult to refer new members into Musiterania™. I probably know them all.

That is why Musiterania™ wants to help you build your income as much as possible so the challenges that face people in referring new members are fewer and completely doable.

The job of an affiliate marketer is really only to bring eyes to an offer, in this case musicians eyes to Musiterania™. Once those eyes are on Musiterania™, it is our job to close the sale.

It is our job because the business relationship is really between the customer and the company. The customer pays the company, the company manages the process and is responsible for the quality of experience a customer has.

Now, just to be clear, if you are an affiliate marketer and you want to market multiple things, then yes there is more to do in building a list, staying in contact with your list, building a relationship with your list, sending your list valuable content, and to create business based on that.

If you want to do that fine and we welcome affiliate marketers who do that as their primary business. But that really isn’t the idea behind Musiterania™ for it’s affiliates, because at Musiterania™ we want to support your activity as a musician.

The “club”, “network”, or “culture” of Musiterania™ is based on building an “ensemble” atmosphere with fellow musicians you know and to help musicians you don’t know get to know you if they don’t already do.

Relationships are at the heart of Musiterania’s affiliate program. It is about inviting a fellow musician to become a part of something that can help them in a real way.

But, lets stay clear about one thing too…being an affiliate with Musiterania™ means you are an independent contractor working with Musiterania™ on a purely commission compensation basis. Musiterania™ pays commissions to its affiliates because they do a real service for the company. Marketing.

The challenge of being a Referring Affiliate Maestro Member of Musiterania™ really is to get your mind to agree that what you are trying to do is a good thing to do and doesn’t take up a lot of time and effort to be successful at it.

To do the act of referring new members to Musiterania™ really all you do is to hand someone your membership business card and say “I want to invite you to join Musiterania™. Here you can find all of the information you need to learn about it.” You can add, “I’m happy to answer any questions you have but that really isn’t my job, and if you are interested in being a member, you will not want that to be your job either. We are musicians and spend our time on our music, not on explaining things about Musiterania™.”

The Directory, the Profile Pages, Musiterania™ events such as recitals, concerts, and workshops, are all ways that Musiterania™ can help you grow your referrals and your commissions on its own.

A lot of affiliate program companies don’t do much in the way of promoting itself to the broad population, but Musiterania™ is going to do that so that the brand is trusted in the marketplace because people have seen it already somewhere. When it becomes something that people have seen and are curious about, it makes it easier for the referral affiliate to approach someone about it and it is more likely that people will look at it on their own, find you because you have something in common and can join through your affiliate code, before you even know them.

We are trying to make the process of referring new members as automatic as possible.

What is one way we do that? We offer a link right in these blog posts that can be shared where people can go and become a member right now. Simply click here and place your email address in the space provided and the name and/or affiliate number of the person who shared Musiterania™ with you. Go to your email inbox and get your password and log in!

That’s it. To become a Maestro Member simply purchase the membership and follow the video tutorials to get your account up and running.

Sharing on Purpose

Timothy Simpson