Musiterania™ is being created as a way for musicians to build an income using the platform of the website. Future plans include a “chain” or “network” of local chapters with facilities so musicians have a place to work, practice, do workshops, and of course perform. It is a bold vision with a lot that can be added to it so the work will never be done.
However, when considering musicians there is a large area that often gets taken for granted and that is the “Audience”. It is the Audience that pays for tickets, buys albums, purchases merchandise and travels long distances to experience the music they love. Musiterania™ wants to include the audience in a membership built especially for them.
The Maestro Membership is for musicians … the new Musiterania™ FAN membership is for those who love music but aren’t themselves musicians. The value here is that FANs can earn affiliate commissions through Musiterania™ as well by helping us promote memberships, concerts, events, and certain merchandise sales. We love our audiences, and we must appreciate that the fans that “make the Rock n Roll World go round”!
FANs often know more about musicians than the musicians know about themselves. FANs have been studying music their entire lives and some are quite expert in their knowledge in very defined areas. Musiterania™ wants to harness this powerful segment of Musicdom and let people create content for the website to make all of the memberships more and more valuable. FANs can produce blog articles, photographs, videos, and audio recordings, (depending on copyright laws), and share it with Musiteranians all over the world. By being a FAN member of Musiterania™ they can also build an automatic residual monthly income by referring new and long time members into the membership!
FANs are vitally important to musicians, it is the lifeblood of being a musician and without them music would literally “fall on deaf ears.” Musiterania™ wants to make a welcomed place alongside musicians in this world of music we are creating! It will bring a lot of energy to Musiterania™, hopefully a lot of revenue, so we can build the facilities that musicians so vitally need to be and remain musicians for life.
Stay tuned for the opening of the “Musiterania™ FAN” Membership!