November 22, 2024, Friday at 7:30 P.M. CST: Van Meter Auditorium: Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA.
Christmas came early to “The Hill” this year as the final full week of classes was done a week before Thanksgiving as opposed to a week after Thanksgiving, meaning that all of the students will be stressing out about Finals during the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend. It also means that all of the ensembles have to get their semester-ending concerts done before Thanksgiving break as well. So this was “Pre”-Holiday Concert.

The orchestra was in front of the stage, where they usually are, and the Jazz Band was back in the back corner where the brass section usually sits. Both ensembles shared the stage during the concert and it worked out very well.
Beginning with the challenging first movement of Tchaikovsky’s 1st Symphony: Called “Winter Dreams”, and the Allegro tranquillo is entitled Daydreams on a Winter’s Journey. The orchestra played nicely throughout and was very focused and engaged in their playing. The string sounds are lush with Tchaikovsky and despite having limited numbers the orchestra played well and full.
The Nutcracker for Jazz Band was a welcomed surprise and they played the three sections with enthusiasm. Dr. Sarah Herbert, Director has built quite a tradition at WKU and they play quite professionally.
The ensembles combined forces for Joy to the World in a delightful arrangement with Latin lilt to it. They loved playing it and it was well received by the audience.
Micah Buckham, trumpet, played his muted instrument with style and pizzaz on “The Christmas Song” with the Jazz Band and Jennifer Brennan-Hondorp singing the classic of years gone by. She has a nice, mellow voice for this and was a pleasant performer.
Dr. Paul Hondorp did the honors in singing “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”. To me that is usually the last thing on the concert, but since Let it Snow is a duet I guess it makes sense this time. Dr. Hondorp sings nicely and has a good presence on stage.
I guess my favorite piece of the evening was the “Twelve Days of Christmas” Arrangement for the Symphony and Jazz Band. It is quite involved and keeps the percussion players running to their different instruments. I had never heard this arrangement and found it to be quite entertaining.
Jennifer Brennen-Hondorp wistfully sang “I’ll be Home for Christmas” and was joined by husband Paul to take the whole thing home with Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!
There were some young students of Violinist Aleka Chau sitting behind me and they had made “We love you Ms. Chau!” posters and applauded her when she came onstage. I’d never seen that before at a concert and thought it was so joyous. What an impact she must be making on those kids. Congrats to her!
The air was crisp, cool, and breezy up on “The Hill” but it is always a beautiful evening to go there for a concert and come out and look over the city lights. I’ll never tire of “The Hill” and Van Meter Hall which hold so many memories for me throughout my life.
The concert concluded a little over an hour after it started but everyone left in a cheerful mood.