Q & A

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I love the website but I don't get "What is in it for me?"

By becoming a Maestro Member of Musiterania™ you are taking it on as if you own the website. By offering the Affiliate Program, Musiterania™ gives you the ability to represent and resell memberships as if you owned the site yourself. What you do with that is up to you. Musiterania™ is made to be a home base, something bigger than yourself, and a platform for you to build your musical endeavor. You aren't just a customer, a fan, and a member, but you can also benefit in real terms by earning an automatic residual monthly income and grow that income over time.

What is the "Vision" of the future for Musiterania™?

The Musiterania™ vision is a large one but at the end of the day, no matter how big it grows or how far it goes, it is all about creating income for the Independent Musicians who are a part of the program. Whether it is through the Maestro Member Affiliate Program, through the Ticket Referral Program, through building organizations at local, state, regional and international levels, Musiterania™ is all about creating new opportunities and income for its members.